Madhurya Jute Sambu Yoga Mat


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Brand: Madhurya
100% Genuine Product
Non Returnable Product
Sold By : Indryaa

Handmade eco-friendly yoga mats, made using mix of Sambu grass, Cotton & Jute, natural rubber treatment are done at the back to provide anti skid property It’s 100% biodegradable- PVC free.

Sambu grass is known for its cooling properties, and the cotton fibres add strength and texture to this mat. This mat is sweat absorbent and adds stability during yoga practices.

It provides padding and support which helps you perform the posture comfortably

The yoga mat is completely sweat resistant and has a Moisture resistant Technology which makes the mat easily washable with soap and water.

These Mats can be washed, you can carry them easily as they are light in weight and come with cotton Bag.

Sambu grass which is used traditionally as a seat during pooja as it helps to avoid the discharge of energy in earth hence promoting the upward flow of energy.

Using this yoga mat for your daily practice ensure good metal and physical well being.

This is 100% Bio Degradable and easily decomposable mat can protect our lovely earth unlike other PVC and foam materials.

Eco friendly bio-degradable Darbha Grass Yoga Mat are hand woven with care and love by high skilled old aged rural artisan only very few left in our generation.

As hand looms are in brink of getting destroyed because of lack of artisans and order, We are in en-devouring to resurrect the hand loom by providing good work and wages to the rural peoples.

To Know More about our Yoga Mats Visit Here.

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hello deendayal this is deendayal
01 Mar, 2022