Madhurya Juniper Green Organic Yoga Mat


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Brand: Madhurya
100% Genuine Product
Non Returnable Product
Sold By : Indryaa

Nature withholds amazing benefits in itself. Vetiver is also a magical plant produced by Mother earth. The biological name of Vetiver is Chrysopogon zizanioides. In hindi language, it is popularly known with the name of khus. The roots and oil of vetiver plant is used for medicinal purposes. In India it is cultivated majorly in states on Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil nadu , Karnataka, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
Benefits of vetiver are numerous. Vetiver is used for nerve and blood circulation problems. It is one of the nature’s best coolant. It reduces inflammation in the body. It has beautiful fragrance  which helps in relieving stress and emotional shocks. Vetiver is sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy too for people having trouble in sleeping (insomnia). It is used to relieve joint and muscle pain (rheumatism).
Madhurya brings to you the benefits of this amazing plant in your meditation mat. This organic and near to nature meditation mat uplifts your energy giving depth to your meditation. In the busy times where the life is too chaotic and life style is limited to flats and compact houses, these mats help you feel connected with nature and helps in grounding. These mats deepen and enhance the quality of your meditation.
These mats are handwoven by the weavers of Bhavani, which is a small village in Tamil Nadu. There was a time when there were 500-600 weavers who used to weave vetiver mats for temples, but now this number is limited to 50-60 only. Madhurya’s attempt is to save this age long weaving tradition alive hence it has modified the traditional mats according to the modern lifestyle.
These mats have natural refreshing fragrance, which, when taken out from its bag fills your environment with calmness and positivity. These mats are sustainable, bio degradable and easy to carry.

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hello deendayal this is deendayal
01 Mar, 2022