The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen between the pelvis and the navel center. It represents creativity, pleasure, and passion. When blocked, you’re likely to feel restless, uninspired, and afraid of change. Physically, this can lead to low energy levels, reduced libido, bladder discomfort, allergies, and addiction.
Fragrance Notes: Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Cardamom,Cinnamon Bark, Jasmine
Sandalwood – Helps invite new ideas
Clary Sage - Brings feelings of worthiness
Cardamom - Promotes creativity and sensuality
Cinnamon Bark - Strengthens passion
Jasmine – Heightens sense of beauty
EKAM’s blend of Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Cardamom, Cinnamon and Jasmine can help unblock the Sacral Chakra, raise your energy levels, unlock creativity and restore your libido. The fragrance is intense, sweet and slightly floral. For maximum benefit, use the blend during Baddha konasana (Bound Angel) pose.
EKAM’s Chakra Series aromatherapy oils are blended to help give you an easy and enjoyable way to balance your chakras and boost your yoga practice so that you can successfully combat the stress of modern-day life and lead a fulfilling and content life. When used regularly in combination with diet, yoga, and affirmations, you will see benefits related to your chakras.
Blended in our subsidiary factory in Mangalore, India, our aromatherapy oils are made from diligently sourced essential oils.
Manufactured by: La Scenteur Fragrance Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Baikampady Industrial Area, Mangaluru, Karnataka - 575011
Marketed by: Aromee Brands Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Floor, 401, Sairam Central Mall, Syndicate Circle, Anantha Nagar 1st Stage, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka – 576104